Masă rotundă cu tema: ”Modele inovative pentru formarea continuă in societatea informațională”, UAȘM, 5 mai 2018

marți, 1 mai 2018 Anunțuri

La 5.06.2018 în incinta Universității Agrare de Stat din Moldova va avea loc o masă rotundă cu tema: ”Modele inovative pentru formarea continuă in societatea informațională”. În cadrul reuniunii respective instituțiile –partenere în proiectul TEACH Me (Creating Moldovan E-network for promoting e-teaching in the continuing professional education) realizat cu suportul On May 5th 2018 a roundtable will take place at the State Agrarian University of Moldova on the topic „Innovative models for continuous training in the informational society” At the meeting, the Moldovan partner institutions in the TEACH Me project (Creating Moldovan E-network for promotion of e-learning in continuing professional education) going with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union will share their experience and exchange views on the application of innovative methods of teaching-learning-evaluation in the process of continuous education.
All interested persons are invited to the SAUM conference hall (44 Mirceşti str., administrative building).
The beginning of the meeting -1000.

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