The impact monitoring visit of TEACH ME Project

Wednesday March 27th, 2019 Announcements

The National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova will undertake the impact monitoring visit on behalf of Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) to the CBHE project 561820-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP “Creating Moldovan E-network for promoting innovative e-teaching in the continuing professional education – TEACH ME”, which was implemented from October 15, 2015 to October 14, 2018. The visit will take place on March 28, 2019 at the Tiraspol State University – national coordinator of TEACH ME Project.

This visit, as part of the standard monitoring arrangements for all Erasmus+ CBHE projects, aims to verify the impact and the actual usage of the project results in all Moldovan universities involved in the partnership.

The TEACH ME Moldovan Partners will show an overview on the effects of the project activities carried out and the results the project had on people, practices, organisations and national systems.

Moreover, it would like to perceive if the partnership has continued and/or diversified its cooperation activities, and if the project results are still used beyond the end of the funding period.

The purpose of the visit is to:

  1. Evaluate the sustainability and impact of the project results locally (in the partner institutions and beyond);
  2. Find evidence on principal factors (during and after the project) having affected the sustainability of the project results;
  3. Find evidence and identify useful indicators for sustainability;
  4. Give recommendations for further sustainability of the project.


13:00-13:10 Welcome speech

Eduard Coropceanu – rector of the Tiraspol State University

13:10-13:20 Impact of monitoring: the sustainability of the Erasmus+ projects; dissemination and exploitation of the results.

Claudia Melinte – Coordinator, National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova.

13:20-13:50 TEACH ME Project summary

Olga Zubikova, TEACH ME Coordinator

Andrei Braicov, TEACH ME National Coordinator

13:50-14:20 The sustainability and impact of TEACH ME Project at partner universities in Moldova:

  • Alecu Russo Balti State University
  • Technical University of Moldova
  • Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu Cahul State University
14:20-14:50 Coffee-break
14:50-15:30 The sustainability and impact of TEACH ME Project at partner universities in Moldova:

  • Comrat State University
  • Continuing Education Institute
  • State Agrarian University of Moldova
  • Tiraspol State University
15:30-16:00 Discussions
16:00-16:30 Conclusions

Claudia Melinte – Coordinator, National Erasmus+ Office in Moldova.

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