Continuing Education Centers (CEC) have been updated (or even new created) at participating TeachME institutions. These are the main innovations we introduced based on Europe’s best practices in organizing continuing education:
- strong focus on the needs of CEC beneficiaries and their permanent monitoring
- innovative marketing concepts for attracting new CEC beneficiaries
- new hard- and software purchased with the financial support of the European Commission
- delivery of blended learning-based CEC services supported by a wide range of ICT
- fostering transversal skills of learners
- delivery of innovative courses for teachers
Learn more about updated CEC at our institutions by visiting our CEC homepages:
- Tiraspol State University
- Technical University of Moldova
- Alecu Russo State University of Balti
- State Agrarian University of Moldova
- Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu State University in Cahul
- Comrat State University
- The Continuing Education Institute