June 12 – 16, 2017
Should you believe, the picturesque French Riviera is only famous for its exquisite resort places you are quite wrong! The fact is that Nice, for example, also offers excellent opportunities to learn more about the innovative ICT-based pedagogy. This can be confirmed by 20 Moldovan teachers, who visited the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) from June 12 – 19, 2017. At the UNS’ Department of Innovative Pedagogy, they were trained by French instructional designers in designing and implementing pedagogical activities using a wide range of ICT.
“These training courses are an important part of the Erasmus+ project “Creating Moldovan e-network for promoting e-teaching in the Continuing Professional Education, funded by the European Union”, Mr Andrei Braicov points out, trainee and project coordinator at the Tiraspol State University in Moldova, which is one of the project beneficiaries. “Over the past months we have been working on developing innovative training programmes for Moldovan teachers, the so-called ‘e-teaching for teachers’, that will be offered at the Centers of Continuing Education of participating Moldovan institutions towards teachers who wish to innovate in their teaching practices through the use of ICT. But how to implement this innovative course? How to teach other teachers to design their own innovative teaching, learning, and assessment strategies? This was one of the main questions, for which I was looking for answers, and the French team greatly helped to solve this”, Andrei estimates.
“Indeed, the UNS’ colleagues mastered a very practical and multi-facetted training week”, Mrs Valentina Pritcan from the Alecu Russo Balti University in Moldova. “I was impressed by the variety of pedagogical situations, in which we, the trainees, were involved in order to encourage us to develop our own solutions, to reflect upon our own activities and to evaluate the activities of other teachers. For sure, I’ll try to apply these approaches when teaching the course ‘e-teaching” at my university”, Valentina mentions.
“These training courses helped me realize the pedagogical value of ICT but also the increasing role of teachers in contemporary education. A teacher of today is rather a guide, a tutor or a coach, who can promote different skills and competences of learners skipping the traditional patterns of simple transmission of knowledge from teacher to student. ICT, among which video, interactive whiteboard or virtual classroom, can be great supporting tools towards achieving specific pedagogical goals, and I will promote this message when giving training courses to my teachers who wish to use ICT”, concludes Mrs Veronica Prisacaru from the State Agrarian University of Moldova.
“These training courses were very helpful in terms how to design a teaching program, using new educational instruments like IWB, methods and principles like PBL, Brainstorming, on line and blending learning. Involvement in development of videos for pedagogical objectives gave opportunity for trainees to get a new experiences and feeling about a new method of teaching. Also I have to underline that organized workshops were a perfect platform for exchange of opinion, ideas about using ICT for pedagogical activities and provides new approaches and solutions about how to teach a training program.” pointed Rafel Ciloci, Technical University of Moldova.
“Access to the pedagogical know-how is the key to success in the professional activity of continuing education of teachers. The trainings at the UNS were very productive, well-structured and methodologically successfully conducted. I have gained a lot of practical skills, sessions were held in an interesting and interactive form with the use of the feedback“, Maria Ianioglo, Comrat State University.
“Within the training there were suggested different group tasks that were interactive, interesting and modern. The topics reviewed were actual and helpful. The training program was multivarious and efficient which helped all the participants to improve the professional competencies in the areas of using the innovative methods for creating the E-courses, using the various instructional methods in the function of teaching facilitator, creating the interactive content(for interactive board, for interactive projector), creating audiovisual educational resources, redesigning the present courses of the continuing professional education, using of methods of active instruction, etc. Many thanks to the organizers, facilitators and participants of the training in Nice. The organized event was very productive and important for me and all the knowledge gained will help me and my colleagues to become professionals in the area of Creating Moldovan E-network for promoting e-teaching in the continuing professional education. Nice will be in my heart all life. It was unforgettable business trip. “Tatiana Velicova, Comrat State University.
“This training has allowed us to broaden our knowledge horizon in the field of ICT use in teaching.During this time, as a trainer, we have benefited from the creation of the skills of using educational software SMART Board, Camtasia and the principles of active learning. Therefore, we can say that, it has worked, and yes, it has allowed us to great fruit, I believe.“ Todos Irina, Cahul State University.