4-th project meeting. June 19 – 20, 2017

Monday July 10th, 2017 News

Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis

The findings of the training week and their valorisation were also the topic of discussions during the 4th coordination meeting, which took place at the UNS directly after the training week, on June 19 and 20.


Moldovan partners presented their curricula proposals on innovative ICT-based approaches for teachers and highlighted once again the added value of the training courses at the UNS, which gave impulses for the enrichment of the corresponding teaching, learning and assessment techniques. In that sense, the next step for the Moldovan teams will be to reflect upon the gained know-how and its integration into the new educational provisions for teachers.

Furthermore, the project meeting allowed to commonly identify the relevant assumptions for the sustainability of the new courses and of the Centers of Continuing Education at large. For this purpose, a related workshop greatly tailored to the needs of the target groups – Rectors and Vice-Rectors of the participating Moldovan institutions –  was organized and moderated by Prof. Dr. Christoph Brake from the FHM.


“A changing environment, as we can observe in the educational system worldwide, makes it necessary to react to this change by a modification of the inner structure of universities. This touches all the active resources of a change in management: the organizational structure, the structure of staff, as well as the skills of teachers and the relations within international networks. The participating moldovan universities in this project are going to set up a new strategy for a sustainable development in this sense. This is a major task, that requires courage and a great portion of commitment from the rectors of the universities, which were part of this workshop. I am very optimistic, they will manage.” Prof Dr. Christoph Brake, scientific advisor of the project at Fachhochschule des Mittelstands in Germany.


Thus, the project is at its halfway point, the related achievements have been summarized, and the next steps have been defined. During the upcoming months, Moldovan partners will finalize the new curricula for teachers and prepare the required documents for their national certification by the Moldovan Agency for Quality Assurance in the Continuing Education ANACIP. The corresponding results will be presented and discussed during the next project meeting, which will be held at the beginning of November 2017 in Moldova.

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