AVIZ Termenul de depunere a lucrărilor pentru CONFERINŢA REPUBLICANĂ A CADRELOR DIDACTICE a fost prelungit până la 1 februarie 2019. UNIVERSITATEA DE STAT DIN TIRASPOL […]
Proiectul TEACH ME a fost prezentat la Conferința annuală a experților în învățământul superior (HERE) cu genericul ”Capacity building for higher education reform: The impact […]
The third issue of the TeachMe project magazine has appeared. In this issue you will find more information about the project development and activities.
On September 20, 2018, the team from the Erasmus + project “Creating Moldovan E-Networking for promoting e-teaching in continuing professional education” (TEACHME) celebrated the project’s […]
International Conference Changing roles and impact of teachers in the modern society Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, September 20, 2018 The modern society permanently undergoes social, […]
The penultimate international working meeting of the Erasmus + project “Creating Moldovan E-Network for promoting e-teaching in continuing professional education” (short TEACHME) took place in […]
During April 23-27, 2018 and May 14-18, 2018, the Training “Development of Visual Teaching Materials” was organized within the TUM`s Continuing Formation Center, attended by […]